Hidden Manchester

The Urbis in Manchester currently has an exhibition of Andrew Brooks photography entitled Reality Hack: Hidden Manchester. The free exhibit includes fifteen stunning images taken in, around and under Manchester, many in the company of Urban Explorers. Having penned The Underplex and living in the Manchester area, I could hardly… Continue reading Hidden Manchester

Year 214

The New Year rolls in – and it seems like only yesterday I was thinking about what I might get done in 2008. PARANOIA moved slowly and didn’t get much out bookwise – but, 2009 is the 25th anniversary and there are things afoot at Mongoose. That includes, notably, a… Continue reading Year 214

Torrevaldaliga Nord

Glancing through a copy of ‘The Guardian’, I’ve had since October 9th (I rarely read newspapers the day I buy them… I prefer to relax and absorb the content when it’s convenient to me), I opened the centre spread to find the stunning interior of Torrevaldaliga Nord, a coal-powered energy… Continue reading Torrevaldaliga Nord