Janitors of Death

The Janitors of Death make life in Alpha Complex much nicer. They remove unsightly Commie mutant splatters from the halls, and also prevent unsavory olfactory sabotage. Their loyal and efficient work ensures that Troubleshooters, IntSec, and the Vultures can go about their work unhindered by deadwood.

PARANOIA Newsletter Vol. 1 No. 1

PARANOIA and Netcon 17

I did an interview for Netcon 17, a Spanish virtual convention. For a little while I discuss how I got involved in writing for PARANOIA in the early Noughties. You can still find the official record of The Toothpaste Disaster embedded in Allen Varney‘s web site. A thoroughly entertaining experience… Continue reading PARANOIA and Netcon 17

Don’t Go Outside

In my tenure aboard the Good Complex PARANOIA, I have a vague recollection that the first rule of PARANOIA Club was: Don’t take them Outside In practice, Alpha Complex should – indeed must – be seen to be believed. The Troubleshooters should grasp that Alpha Complex is home and The… Continue reading Don’t Go Outside


While it has been a while, never say never. Alpha Complex persists. The Computer remains optimal. All is well and Year 214 looks like a bountiful complex of potential. Expect 100% productivity. Expect 100% efficiency. Expect 100% loyalty. More to follow…